Titan Cement Group

Job Listings / Punët e Listuara

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Search Results / Rezultatet e Kërkimit Page / Faqes 1 of / i 1

Job ID / ID e Pozicionit 2025-23161
TITAN SHARRCEM is currently looking for a proficient and driven Accountant to join our Finance Team. As an Accountant, he/she will be pivotal in managing financial transactions, preparing financial reports, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The ideal candidate should possess a solid foundation in accounting principles, with demonstrated expertise in financial analysis and reporting.
Category / Kategoria
Accounting/Finance / Kontabilitet/Financë
Type / Tipi
Full-Time / Me kohë të Plotë
Posting Location : Location
XKX-Hani I Elezit
Seniority Level
Not Applicable
Job ID / ID e Pozicionit 2024-22544
TITAN SHARRCEM is currently looking for a skilled and motivated Financial Analyst to join our Financial Controlling within the Finance department. As a part of the duties of a Financial Analyst, your primary role will cover the following:
Category / Kategoria
Accounting/Finance / Kontabilitet/Financë
Type / Tipi
Full-Time / Me kohë të Plotë
Posting Location : Location
XKX-Hani I Elezit